How You Can Sell More To People You Already See
As there is no one size fits all answer here you’ll discover a wide range of topics here, anyone of which may ignite growth faster than you ever thought possible. The topics here offer a flavour of what’s on offer elsewhere on this site.
One of the fastest ways to sustainable and profitable growth is to sell more to those who are already buying from you. Easier said than done, but putting your prices up, recommending a secondary pair of daywear or a primary pair of Rx sunwear are all possibilities. It’s thought that: “Do you want fries with that” are the six most profitable words in the world and it’s estimated those six words alone account for as much as 30% of the profits for the hamburger chain.
Do you know what your test/dispense ratio is? What would happen if you had a formal mechanism in place to make sure that people left your practice much better informed than when they arrived? How easy do you make it for people to buy from you?
How do you calculate how much profit is simply walking out of your practice?
The simple answer is that there is no simple answer. Your first free download will list all the skills needed. The really good news is that these can be learned, invested in and planned for. What’s critical is your mindset and your thinking in short, medium and long term.
At the time of writing we have two interesting trends: Which? Have reported for the second time that people are satisfied with their independent optician and that trust is high and at the same time the market share for independents appears to be shrinking, as commodity products flow online, to supermarket and the High Street retailer. Both positions, it would seem, are true.
The second trend is the rise of technology. It affects all businesses and we’d be naïve to think our world is any different. After all we are dealing with many of the same people and the UK has the highest access to high speed broadband in Europe. So does that mean that technology has killed your notion of ‘good, better, best’ and your fixed pricing formula? What happens when ‘the best’ can now be delivered at ‘good’ prices? There is a big prize for the people who can deliver that message in a way that is clearly understood, to the people that matter most. If you are truly autonomous changing suppliers has never been easier, but the thinking has just got a whole lot harder.
If you are here first, may we suggest you guarantee that you have all other options outlined at covered first, then selling more to those you already see will be accomplished. So what you’ll get here is an example of what you’ll find elsewhere.
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